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Drive while suspended, disqualified or unlicenced

Driving While Suspended refers to operating a vehicle during a period when your licence has been temporarily suspended due to various reasons, such as accumulating demerit points or other road related offences such as drink driving.


Driving While Disqualified is when a court has permanently revoked your right to drive, often following serious traffic violations.


Both of these offences carry serious penalties, and the law takes them very seriously to ensure road safety.


Driving unlicensed is where a driver does not have a valid licence


If you have been charged, contact our traffic lawyers Melbourne at Rebecca Burdon Legal & Consulting to understand your options and avoid further time off the road.

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Consequences & Defences

The consequences of driving while suspended or disqualified can be severe, including significant financial penalties and further suspension periods may be enforced.


Additional demerit points may be added to your record. For repeat offenders or serious cases, terms of imprisonment can be imposed.


If you are charged with driving while suspended or disqualified, a traffic defence lawyer in Melbourne can help formulate a defence strategy. Common defences may include whether the suspension was lawful or properly communicated to you, that is did you know you were suspended? If you were driving in an emergency situation, or a procedural error, which is where law enforcement has not followed procedures when stopping or charging you.​

Importance of Legal Representation

Appearing in court for charges of driving while suspended or disqualified can be overwhelming. A traffic defence lawyer from Rebecca Burdon Legal & Consulting can provide you with expert guidance and a clear understanding of your rights and options.


We can ensure your case is presented effectively in court and focus on keeping any penalties to a minimum or explain alternative sentencing options.


​Driving while suspended or disqualified under the Road Safety Act 1986 is a serious matter that can have lasting implications on your driving record and personal freedom. It can effect your livelihood - how will you get to work if you don't have a licence?


If you are facing such charges, it’s vital to seek assistance from a dedicated traffic defence lawyer in Melbourne. Rebecca Burdon Legal & Consulting can help you understand your options and work towards the best possible outcome for your case.


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