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 Crime & Traffic Support Services

Road Trauma Awareness Seminar (RTAS)


Amber Community is a not-for-profit organisation contributing to the safety and wellbeing of Victorian road users. They provide counselling and support to people affected by road trauma and address attitudes and behaviours of road users through education.


The RTAS program is delivered in conjunction with the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria to people with traffic offences as part of sentencing options.  You may be asked by the court to complete the RTAS, as a way in which you can demonstrate that you understand the impact your offending may have on others.  The is delivered in 33 locations across Victoria each month, contact here to find a convenient location to you - Education | Amber Community


Victorian Safe Driver Program


The Victorian Safe Driving Program aims to reduce unsafe driving behaviour through a behaviour change approach, helping participants understand and avoid high-risk driving. Drivers found guilty of certain hoon offences by a court may be required to attend this program.

Once the court orders you to complete the program they will notify the Department of Transport, who will then notify you that you need to comply. 

You must complete the program within four months from when you are notified.


Upon completion you will get a certificate, which you need to then be given to Vicroads. 

If you do not complete the program or submit the certificate you will have 


  • an indefinite licence or permit suspension depending on licence status, or 

  • indefinite disqualification from driving and indefinite disqualification from obtaining a licence or permit depending on licence status.


If your licences are already suspended or you are disqualified from obtaining a licence and driving in Victoria, these conditions will continue.


The program consists of 5 hours of sessions led by an experienced group facilitator.  

You can enrol through an approved provider including Connect Health & Community and Relationship Matters Counselling. These programs are located throughout Victoria and cost approximately $800.00.


Connect Health & Community


Phone:  03 9575 5333

Venue: Bentleigh East 


Relationship Matters Counselling, Mediation & Education

Phone: 1300 543 396 or 03 8650 6200
Venue: city (CBD)


The quickest way to get back on the road is to complete the court, should you require assistance with this process, our traffic lawyers in Melbourne can help. 


Corrections Victoria


As part of your sentence the court may impose a Community Corrections Order (CCO), with various conditions and or community work. You will be required to report within days of your sentencing hearing to your local Community Corrections Office. 


Men's Behaviour Change Program


​The Men's Behaviour Change Program is delivered through community agencies throughout Victoria. This program is for men wanting to end their use of violence and other problematic behaviours in their relationships.


The program is designed to help men become more aware of and take responsibility for their abusive behaviours, and to become better partners and fathers. Engaging in this program may be ordered by the court.


To find a convenient location visit the Men's Referral Service.




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