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Our Melbourne Traffic Lawyers Can Help You Keep License Loss Time to a Minimum

Have you been charged with a traffic offence? If convicted, it is likely you will lose your driving privileges as part of your sentence. Our traffic lawyers in Melbourne can advocate on your behalf to keep any mandatory licence loss to a minimum.

Man Driving in Car

Seek Experienced Legal Advice From Our Traffic Lawyers Melbourne Before Attending Court

Let our traffic lawyers in Melbourne and throughout Victoria assist you if you have accrued traffic infringements or have committed an offence against the Road Safety Act 1986.

Serious consequences can flow from being charged with a traffic offence. The court take these matters seriously. It is not "just a driving matter". In Victoria, driving offences can carry substantial financial penalties or a term of imprisonment if police prove a case against you.

We recommend against entering a guilty plea to finalise the charge quickly. Experienced lawyers at Rebecca Burdon Legal and Consulting can help you understand whether there is enough evidence against you to make out a charge. Our qualified and experienced traffic defence lawyers will provide you with quality advice to get the best outcome in your case.

Our traffic defence lawyers can help you understand your options regarding the charges against you. Whether driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, speeding, dangerous driving, or breaching an existing licence suspension, disqualification, or cancellation - we know the rules governing traffic-related fines and penalties and will help you understand the legalese involved.

Don't Go It Alone

You want a knowledgeable and experienced Melbourne traffic lawyer by your side if driving is vital part of your job. Our practice is available to represent you. Contact us for a free consultation and advice on your options. 

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